
Work work work

Want something very badly? Work for it, everyday of your life. Even if it has nothing to do with what you really want. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to get what we dream of, what it really belongs to us.
Even if it's just for a few minutes, do it, everyday. You won't regret it.
I've been telling myself to never give up, to never give in on what really matters to me. It's been working so far, I've been so optimist for the past weeks :)

Lots of ♡,


  1. wise words ♡ ♡
    e vamos, vamoooos, tou com saudades de lá ir :3

  2. Tal-e-qual.
    You will make it lovely Ni (:

  3. uso uma helios 44m, é a lente que vem com a zenit :)
    obrigada! também já andei a ver as tuas fotos e deu-me ainda mais vontade de comprar uma lomo! tens coisas tão interessantes!
