
Brittish stuff

First of all, a reminder that I'm Portuguese so it's possible I misspell or write down something incorrectly but feel free to correct me, please!
One sentence in my description is "born in the wrong country". I feel this way because since I was a little girl I got used to some English (Brittish English) habits and traditions. Partly because of my mother who studied English and German philology. I got the hang of speaking fluent English due to watching English television shows like BBC, Alf, Allo Allo, Black Adder and Cartoon Network instead of Portuguese ones. (I used to watch repeatedly episodes of Mr. Bean, it made me laugh so hard back then)
So, all my life I felt like I didn't really totally belong here in Portugal and dreamed of living outside, in the UK. I've only gone there twice in my life and I really feel like I could fit and make my own life there. 
My main goal for the future is to finish my degree in Radiology in 2015 and move to the UK in the same year. As for now, I'll maybe go there next year for a 3 month internship on a hospital in London but it's all very undecided.
Besides all my dreams, Portugal is now facing some really tough times due to economic crisis we're all in. Our previous politicians left our country with major debts and now unemployment tax is very high, and in Health sector all available jobs are being reduced so I don't really have a bright future here. Some really good friends of mine have already gone to the UK to make their lives there. It's not all about "wanting to go" as well as "must go", for the sake of my future.
I have one final question to all Brittish and non-Brittish bloggers:

What are your thoughts and feelings towards this "dream" of mine?

Happy me in Camden Town, January 2013.

Lots of ♡,


  1. Gostei muito deste começo :) Amei as fotos, especialmente a tua de perfil! Segui :)

    Passa no meu :)
    http://a-b-beauty.blogspot.pt/ (também sou novinha por aqui ^^)

    1. claro que passo, temos que ser umas para as outras d: xx

  2. Visto que já desde pequena que te sentes mais brittish do que portuguesa e já que o país se encontra nesta mísera situação, penso que é um bom rumo e um bom sonho : ) Se é lá que te sentes melhor, porque não? Espero que corra tudo bem e que nunca desistas dos teus sonhos, força!!!

    Ps: Obrigada pelo comentário querido que deixaste, também já te estou a seguir!

    Lovely Seventy One

  3. Per-fei-to e realmente tu :)
    Espero que o ERASMUS se venha realmente a realizar e espero que consigas dar lá uns primeiros passos bem segura do teu futuro. Para já levas com músicas de campanha para mais uns mandatos de categoria --'

    Estás mesmo presente aqui e gosto disso (:

  4. Antes de mais muito obrigada pelo teu comentário :) Se tu tens esse sonho acho que o deves seguir, todos nós sabemos que as coisas em Portugal não estão bem e que o nosso futuro poderá ficar condicionado (infelizmente). Ter vindo para cá foi a melhor coisa que fiz, claro que não é tudo um mar de rosas, mas cá sempre temos a possibilidade de ter um futuro. Um beijinho muito grande! xx

  5. Its interesting to read your perspective.
    As a girl from the US - I understand wanting to live in the UK, but I would so badly love to live in Portugal. My dad has visited a few times and said it was beautiful.

    I guess the grass is always greener.

  6. Hello Ni! I really like your thoughts! I'm from Greece and we are facing the same economic problems. I am writing my blog in English too, because I feel more connected to it. It's not that I don't love my language, but English make me feel like home. Other than that, I simply love Britain. I program to write a post about why I love the British because since lately I was more into the American culture. I really hope all your dreams will come true!! I have the same kind of ambitions too. I want to leave my country as soon as I obtain my Law degree in 2015 to move to Paris or Stockholm or London. I can't make up my mind yet :p The key is to be optimistic no matter what and stick to what you believe in. Don't let anyone bring you down! We are invincible!

    If you want please check out my blog too: http://latroublemaker.blogspot.com/

  7. as a portuguese that recently moved to uk, i'll tell you: follow that dream!
    uk was never THE country for me, since my dream is wandering around the world, but i feel much happier now that i left portugal. i love my country but something was missing, maybe the adventure or just living a different life.
    oh and by the way, i know london is the thing but if you visit another city in uk, you will find another kind of british life. i came to oxford and i'm loving it! :)
